Dissolved Air Flotation System
Dissolved Air Flotation is used as a water & wastewater treatment system. It is very effective and uses physical as well as chemical methods for the treatment of different kinds of wastewaters. DAF system separates impurities like oil, biochemical oxygen demand, and suspended solids. The wastewater is handled via means of dissolving air in wastewater below strain after which is launched at atmospheric strain in a flotation tank basin. It is one of the simplest and flexible systems in water treatment. Depending upon the form of filtration system, DAF may be hooked up after pre-treatment or at initial.

Process of a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) System
The process of the DAF method started out with the water to be dealt with coming into the DAF via an influent header field that reduces speed and distributes the water throughout the period of the vessel. In order to optimize the treatment of the pressurized effluent water with air. The air-saturated water flow is recycled to the front of the flow tank and flows via a stress discount valve simply because it enters the front of the flow tank. The wastewater then enters the flotation sector and microbubbles from the wastewater connect to the particle floor and have an effect on the particle density, inflicting the suspended solids to waft to the floor of the DAF in which they may be skimmed through a sequence and flight and separated into the sludge hopper. Now the treated wastewater is regularly eliminated at numerous factors in the DAF and released over pipe weirs into an effluent chamber and flows out to the DAF after completing this process.
Applications of DAF Plant
Generally, the most often DAF application is for the pre-treatment of wastewater to eliminate suspended solids and oils and greases previous to discharge to a municipal sewer or an organic treatment gadget.
A Pre-treatment DAF Wastewater may be utilized by a commercial discharger to fulfil particular limits for oil and grease and/or suspended solids set through a municipality.
An enterprise might also additionally want to apply a Pre-treatment DAF to eliminate contaminants, that could negatively affect an organic wastewater treatment gadget downstream.
In maximum no. of cases, the wastewater contaminants should be chemically flocculated so as for the floatation set-up to eliminate them. Pre-treatment DAF is utilized in approximately each and every enterprise-class.
Advantages of Dissolved Air Flotation System
* The DAF method has a Low-head round tank.
* Flotation technique has numerous system benefits over sedimentation
* It can produce higher water quality.
* The Performance of a DAF is effortless without the use of a plate-pack.
* DAF method has greater dependable effluent quality
* DAF Unit is working and operating at high floor loadings, ensuing in tremendously small and shallow plants.
* The flotation firm attention of the dirt manufacturer is substantially better at approximately 3 times than that of dirt manufacturer through sedimentation.
Important key factors of a Dissolved Air Flotation
* Skimmer System
* Flotation cell
* Contact Chamber
* Influent
* Air Saturation System
* Bottom Skimmer System
* Float
* Effluent Discharge Chamber